星期六, 1月 03, 2009



《紐約時報》報導了美國移動運營商的真實短信成本,雖然不是指中國,但想必兩者在技術上並不存在太大的差異。這篇標題為《關於短信,運營商所不想告訴你的》文章稱, 「真相是短信(text messages)是控制通道(control channel)內的『偷渡者』——否管短信佔據了多少帶寬——每條短消息160個字節只是線路上通信塔與塔之間存儲轉發(store-and- forward)數據的極小部分,本質上傳輸一萬億條短信的實際費用也為零。相比語音通信,短信使用度的上升不需要運營商去安裝新設備。」中國就兩家移動 運營商,根本就無法構成競爭,這種局面短時間內我們是不可能看到改變的。

Professor Keshav said that once a carrier invests in the centralized storage equipment — storing a terabyte now costs only $100 and is dropping — and the staff to maintain it, its costs are basically covered. “Operating costs are relatively insensitive to volume,” he said. “It doesn’t cost the carrier much more to transmit a hundred million messages than a million.”
